I want or I don’t want

Whenever we ask for something, there is always something behind it which you don't want. Like if you ask for money it is poverty you are resisting, if you ask…

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Soul to Seoul

The maun of the master, the profoundness in the chantings of the priest, the celebration of the camp, the depth in the divine, all happying at the Navratri puja's and…

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Love in a Lettuce

These were rolled out after the melodic verses of the Guru Puja invoking ethereal beauty at Sneha’s house and I rolled in three of them in no time, while I…

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Joke: Woman behind a man

Barbara Walters, of Television's 20/20, did a story on gender roles in Kabul Afghanistan several years before the Afghan conflict. She noted that women customarily walked five paces behind their…

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OH! OH ! Okra

Surely not one of my favorites in the food world, but these ladyfinger's turned out highly attractive and delectable and took a special place in the memory fragments. The fulfilling…

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